Fight against human trafficking in Libya: EU sanctions six human traffickers and smugglers in line with UN decision

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 14 juni 2018.

On 14 June, the Council transposed into EU law sanctions adopted by the United Nations on 7 June, imposing a travel ban and an asset freeze on six human traffickers and smugglers operating in Libya, four of Libyan nationality and two of Eritrean nationality. The individuals targeted by the sanctions are key figures in human trafficking and migrant smuggling activities in and around Libya.

It is the first time that the UN imposes sanctions against human traffickers. The decision by the UN Security Council committee was the result of coordinated efforts of several EU members states.

The EU has a comprehensive approach to migration management. The fight against human trafficking and smuggling is an essential part of this comprehensive approach.

The legal acts were adopted by the Council by written procedure. They will be published in the Official Journal of 15 June.

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