President Juncker at the G7 Summit

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 9 juni 2018.

G7 i Summit: The European Union will continue to stand up for the international rules-based multilateral system

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker i and European Council President Donald Tusk i represented the EU at the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Canada.

G7 leaders committed to fight trade protectionism and to reform the World Trade Organisation and urged Russia to end its actions undermining democracies and its support of the Syrian regime. They also called for the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula and of Iran. Leaders vowed to work together to achieve inclusive growth and gender equality. The EU reaffirmed its strong commitment to implement the Paris climate agreement, along with France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the UK.

Regarding US President Trump's refusal to sign the final communiqué, the European Union made clear that it will continue to stand up for the international rules-based multilateral system. It was underlined that the EU will always be driven by its shared values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and the respect of human rights. And the EU will continue to be at the heart of the global agenda promoting jobs, growth, free and fair trade, a clean environment and, gender equality and development aid.

President Juncker said at the press conference ahead of the G7: "We will discuss trade this afternoon. It is not only about America first but about European unity first. This is what we will show today. […] On trade, we will explain the facts and figures, why the EU is an ally, and not a national security threat to the US. We want to continue talks with the US but will not negotiate with the colt pointed at our head.

It is in this spirit that President Juncker during the G7, presented the facts and figures and offered to go to Washington as soon as possible in order to keep communication channels open and to work with President Trump on a common assessment and resolve trade issues in a friendly manner.

On Security and foreign policy G7 leaders committed to defend democracies from foreign threats seeking to undermine their societies, elections, sovereignty and security. They urged Russia to end its destabilising behaviour to undermine democratic systems and its support of the Syrian regime. They condemned the Salisbury attack of March 2018 and agreed with the UK's assessment that it is highly likely that Russia was responsible. G7 leaders reaffirmed their commitment to eradicate Daesh and its hateful ideology. They condemned the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime and by Daesh. Regarding Iran, leaders said that the country must respect its international obligations and commitments to never seek, develop or acquire a nuclear weapon. G7 leaders also called for the complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.

On Gender equality and women's empowerment leaders of the G7 countries discussed how to remove barriers to women’s participation in social, economic and political spheres. They stressed the value of education for girls and women to achieve gender equality in particular in developing countries. The EU along with Canada, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the World Bank agree to invest close to €2.5 billion to improve access to quality education for girls and women worldwide. Leaders are also committed to end sexual and gender-based violence, abuse and harassment online.

On Environmental protection, The EU reaffirmed its strong commitment to implement the Paris climate agreement, along with France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the UK. G7 leaders discussed concrete actions with outreach partners to preserve oceans and to fight the threat of plastic waste.

Related links

Déclaration de Jean-Claude Juncker, Président de la Commission européenne, à la conférence de presse conjointe avec Donald Tusk, Président du Conseil européen, en amont du Sommet du G7

The Charlevoix G7 Summit Communique

Charlevoix commitment on equality and economic growth

Charlevoix commitment on innovative financing for development

Charlevoix common vision for the future of artificial intelligence

Charlevoix declaration on quality education for girls, adolescent girls and women in developing countries

Charlevoix commitment to end sexual and gender-based violence, abuse and harassment in digital contexts

Charlevoix commitment on defending democracy from foreign threats

Charlevoix blueprint for healthy oceans, seas and resilient coastal communities

G7 ocean plastics charter