Indicative programme - Telecommunications Council meeting of 8 June 2018
Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 5 juni 2018.
Place: European Convention Centre Luxembourg (ECCL)
Chair: Ivaylo Moskovski, Minister for Transport, Information Technology and Communications of Bulgaria
All times are approximate and subject to change
from 09.00
+/- 09.20
Doorstep by Minister Moskovski
+/- 10.00
Beginning of Council meeting (roundtable Telecommunications)
Approval of non-legislative A items
+/- 10.10
Cybersecurity agency and cybersecurity certification (public session)
+/- 11.30
ePrivacy (public session)
+/- 12.30
Press conference (live streaming)
+/- 13.00
Working lunch debate on Digital financial instruments
+/- 15.00
Re-use of public sector information (public session)
+/- 16.00
Any other business
-Current legislative proposals (public session)
-CODE Directive
-BEREC Regulation
-Regulation on free flow of data
-Digital single market
-Work programme of the incoming presidency