Education in emergencies helps millions of children in need

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 18 mei 2018.

EU to increase spending and improve delivery of education in emergencies and protracted crises

The Commission has adopted today a new policy framework that aims to increase humanitarian funding for education in emergencies and crises to 10% of its overall humanitarian aid budget as of 2019. The policy also aims to bring children caught up in humanitarian crises back to learning within 3 months.

The new policy framework sets out four key priorities: improving access to learning opportunities for children and young people, providing quality education and training, ensuring that education is protected from attacks, and introducing rapid and innovative education responses.

Today's decision is a milestone in the Juncker Commission i's commitment to support millions of children whose access to education is being disrupted due to conflict, forced displacement, violence, climate change and disasters. The EU's largest ever humanitarian programme for education in emergencies worth €84 million is currently the Conditional Cash Transfer for Education programme in Turkey that helps put 290,000 refugee children into school.

Related links

Press release

Factsheet on Education in Emergencies

The European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid