Kenya floods: EU releases initial €1.5 million to help victims of dam tragedy

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 12 mei 2018.

The funding will help cover basic needs such as emergency shelter and basic household essentials, food and nutrition, drinking water and repair of damaged water and sanitation facilities as well as emergency health care and epidemics prevention.

“The European Union is saddened by the loss of life in Kenya from the dam burst in Solai and from extreme flooding in different parts of the country. The EU is doing its part to assist the most affected by this tragedy. Our new funding will help deliver emergency supplies. As members of one global family and humanity, we are committed to help people in crisis, wherever in the world they may be, and to bring relief to their suffering,” said Christos Stylianides i, the Commissioner for Humanitarian aid and Crisis Management.


Kenya has been facing ongoing floods, which have so far claimed the lives of over 170 people and displaced more than 300 000. On 9 May, the Patel dam in Solai area of Nakuru county, 190 km north-west of Nairobi, burst its banks after heavy rains, killing at least 40 people.

At least 40 counties have been affected by the flooding and over 8 000 hectares of farmland decimated, causing widespread damage to crops, livestock and food stocks. The current flooding is likely to continue as heavy rainfall is forecast to continue for the coming weeks in the region.
