Defence Chief Lieutenant General Andrey Botsev: In the Current Geopolitical Situation, the Implementation of the Armed Forces Missions and Tasks Requires More Collective Efforts and Sufficient Resources

Met dank overgenomen van Bulgaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2018 (Bulgaars voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 26 april 2018.

“We believe in the collective approach in force development and employment and this approach has no alternative. Jointly we can do more and better. This is what we should strive for in the coming years. In the context of the current geopolitical situation, the implementation of the Armed Forces missions and tasks requires more collective efforts and dedication of sufficient resources, while taking into account the specific national features and the resultant legal obligations,”

stated Defence Chief Lieutenant General Andrey Botsev earlier today, April 26, at the demonstration of the Bulgarian Air Force and 68th Special Forces Brigade defence capabilities held at the 3rd Air Force Base, Graf Ignatievo.

Lieutenant General Andrey Botsev commended the participants in the demonstration for their efforts, and expressed his appreciation of all Bulgarian service members, striving to prove themselves and perform professionally while serving their country, despite the existing financial and technical limitations.

He pointed out that as regards the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) in the field of defence, Bulgaria has submitted its National Implementation Plan (NIP) incorporating the implementation of planned activities. Our participation in PESCO complies with the national level of ambition and the available resources. He added:

“We expect active development in the coming months, leading to a more practically efficient process of military capability acquisition and their joint employment.”

Lt. Gen. Botsev also remarked on Bulgaria’s participation in current EU missions and operations, paying special attention to the EUFOR i ALTHEA in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a factor contributing to the achievement of lasting security and stability in the country and an excellent example of practical cooperation between the EU and NATO i with an obvious added value. The Defence Chief stressed the need for enhancing the cooperation between the two organisations pursuant to the Warsaw Joint Declaration.

“Cooperation and Integration are indeed in the European Union's DNA and brought us already far in many, different domains. Now conditions are eventually mature to look at a deeper Integration, also in the field of security and defence,”

said General Mikhail Kostarakos, Chairman of the European Union Military Committee (CEUMC).

“Bulgaria is one of the EU countries exposed to both the eastern and southern challenges and, based on its experience, has a vital role to play during its Presidency. As I already mentioned on the occasion of my last visit, it is of foremost importance to keep the current momentum, to keep on building on vision, also in the domain of security and defence,”

emphasized Gen. Kostarakos.

“I would like to take again this opportunity to broadly praise Bulgaria’s Armed Forces strong commitment to the European Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations and emphasize their professionalism and successful contribution,”

the CEUMC concluded.

At the 3rd Air Force Base, Graf Ignatievo, the representatives of the EU Military Committee watched a demonstration of military capabilities, in which service members from Military Units 28000 - Graf Ignatievo, 26030 - Bezmer, 52090 - Dolna Mitropolia, 24900 - Vrazhdebna, 32990 - Plovdiv, 22800 - Sofia , 44510 - Sofia, 54320 - Sofia, along with teams from the Military Medical Academy, participated in the execution of tasks of critical importance relating to search and rescue of ejected pilot in enemy territory and Air Policing of the airspace of the Republic of Bulgaria within the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (NATINAMDS).