ECA welcomes delegation from Audit Authority of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Rekenkamer i, gepubliceerd op maandag 23 april 2018.

On Monday 23 April, the European Court of Auditors i (ECA) welcomed a delegation from the Audit Authority responsible for auditing EU pre-accession assistance to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on their study visit to the ECA.

The delegation was welcomed by ECA Member Hannu Takkula i and auditors from the ECA’s audit chamber responsible for auditing the external action, security and justice, and from the directorate responsible for audit quality control. They discussed the ECA’s recent performance audits of pre-accession countries. They also discussed lessons learned from the recent parallel performance audit on public procurement in the Western Balkans, which was conducted by six supreme audit institutions (SAIs) from the Network of candidate and potential candidate countries - including the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - and facilitated by the ECA together with the Swedish National Audit Office.