MEPs call on Turkey to release two Greek soldiers imprisoned without charge

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 19 april 2018.

MEPs called on Turkey to swiftly conclude the judicial process and release the two Greek soldiers detained since March, in a resolution adopted on Thursday.

MEPs stress that the two Greek soldiers have been held in a Turkish prison for more than one month without charges being brought against them, unaware of the crime of which they are accused. Previous cases of similar accidental border crossings by either Greek or Turkish soldiers were settled in the past on the spot and at the level of local military authorities on both sides.

The European Parliament calls on the Turkish authorities to “swiftly conclude the judicial process and release the two Greek soldiers and return them to Greece” and to “scrupulously follow legal proceedings and fully respect, for all those concerned, the human rights enshrined in international law, including the Geneva Convention”.

The text calls on the Council, the Commission, the European External Action Service and all EU member states to “show solidarity with Greece” and to call for the immediate release of the two Greek soldiers in any contacts or communication with Turkish leaders and authorities, in the spirit of international law and good neighbourly relations.

The non-legislative resolution was adopted with a vast majority - 607 votes to 7, with 18 abstentions.

Debate in plenary

MEPs quizzed on Tuesday evening Commissioner Stylianides on the steps to be taken for the two soldiers to be released and strongly criticised Turkey for not respecting fundamental rights and the rule of law. Speakers from all political groups expressed their solidarity with Greece and asked for the judicial process to be completed and for the release of the two soldiers.