MEPs urge member states to reach agreement on tackling migration crises

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 18 april 2018.

The time has come for EU leaders to take a decision on the burning issue of reforming the EU’s migration policy, say MEPs.

In a debate assessing the outcome of the last EU summit in March, in the presence of European Council President Donald Tusk i and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker i, MEPs stressed the need to put the EU’s migration package back on the agenda for upcoming summits, in order for EU leaders to reach a breakthrough and define a common position.

Amongst other measures, MEPs called for better protection of the EU’s external borders, introducing national quotas for receiving migrants and reiterated the idea of an EU Marshall Plan for Africa.

MEPs also highlighted the need to move on with reforming the eurozone, completing the EU’s Banking Union, incorporating the European Stability Mechanism in the community framework, working towards a fiscal capacity for the eurozone and introducing a mechanism to monitor corruption and the rule of law in EU countries. Some MEPs want the situation in Hungary and Poland to be put on the table at the European Council for a discussion by heads of state or government.

You can watch the debate in plenary here

Click on names to watch videos of individual statements

Donald Tusk, for the Council

Jean-Claude Juncker, for the Commission

Manfred Weber (EPP, DE)

Maria João Rodrigues (S&D, PT)

Syed Kamall (ECR, UK)

Guy Verhofstadt (ADLE, BE)

Sven Giegold (Greens/EFA, DE)

Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL, EL)

Nigel Farage (EFDD, UK)

Harald Vilimsky (ENF, AT)

Jean-Claude Juncker closing

Donald Tusk closing