17 April 2018: The Commission will present new security measures to deny terrorists the means to act

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 17 april 2018.

The news:

The Commission will present a set of new security proposals to reduce the space in which terrorists and criminals are able to operate and deny them the means to commit crime. The proposals will include measures to facilitate cross-border access to electronic evidence and financial information for law enforcement authorities, measures to prevent document fraud and the use of false identities, and stronger rules on explosives precursors and controls on import and export of firearms. The new measures will be presented alongside the 14th report on the progress towards an effective and genuine Security Union.

The background:

Since the beginning of the Juncker Commission i's mandate, security has been a political priority - from President Juncker's Political Guidelines of July 2014 to the latest State of the Union address in 2017. Creating a Europe that protects also features in the Joint Declaration on the EU legislative priorities for 2018-2019.

The European Agenda on Security guides the Commission's work in this area, setting out the main actions to ensure an effective EU response to terrorism and security threats in the European Union. Since the adoption of the Agenda, significant progress has been made in its implementation, paving the way towards an effective and genuine Security Union.

The creation of a specific Commissioner portfolio for the Security Union demonstrates the importance the Juncker Commission has attached to building its resilience and boosting its response to the terrorist threat.

The event:

On 17 April 2018, the Commission will present a set of new security proposals to close remaining loopholes in security legislation alongside the publication of the 14th Progress Report towards an effective and genuine Security Union. Commissioners Dimitris Avramopoulos i, Věra Jourová i and Julian King i will present the proposals following the College meeting in Strasbourg. The press conference will be live streamed on EbS.

The sources:

Communication: 13th Progress Report towards an effective and genuine Security Union

Communication: European Agenda on Security

Communication: Delivering on the European Agenda on Security to fight against terrorism and pave the way towards an effective and genuine Security Union



Press contacts:

General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email


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