€24 million for new medical centre at Medical University of Warsaw

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 13 april 2018.

The Medical University of Warsaw is receiving a PLN 100 million (€24 million) loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB i) to modernise key elements of its main Warsaw campus. The project consists of the design, construction and implementation of a state-of-the-art new medical simulations centre on WUM’s main campus in Warsaw that will be used for training and research. It will also finance the refurbishment of the university’s Litewska building in central Warsaw, the thermo-modernisation of the Faculty of Pharmacy building to improve its energy efficiency and the refurbishment of an auxiliary medical simulations unit.

The loan is guaranteed under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), which is the financial pillar of the Juncker Plan. The project also received technical assistance from the European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH).

Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics i, commented: “We need to invest more in education. This is crucial to build resilient, cohesive, fair societies, and to ensure that the European economy remains competitive and innovative. I am therefore pleased to see the European Investment Bank and the Medical University of Warsaw join forces, backed by the Investment Plan for Europe, to improve teaching and learning facilities for students and staff.”

“This is a ground-breaking transaction for the EIB in Poland”, said Vazil Hudak, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank. “For the first time, and thanks to the Investment Plan for Europe, the EIB is supporting the higher education sector in Poland through a direct loan to a university, and not via the State. The Medical University of Warsaw has a far-reaching development plan which aims to improve the academic environment and provide state-of-the-art facilities, including a brand new medical simulations centre. That will make it possible to have better trained doctors and nurses, and will improve future medical care in Poland. We are happy to invest in this innovative project, which shows our willingness to accompany Poland’s efforts to create a more knowledge-based society”.

Professor Miroslaw Wielgos, Rektor of the Medical University of Warsaw, said: “We are pleased to sign today the contract which paves the way for the development of the Medical Simulation Centre at the Medical University of Warsaw. The funds obtained from the European Investment Bank will enable us to finance the creation of an independent innovative centre offering state-of-the-art solutions for under- and postgraduate training courses. This Centre will help to enhance the quality of medical education in its practical aspects, as well as to offer opportunities for gaining experience in terms of medical treatment and patient care. This is the first project of this kind in Poland, since its funder, EIB, has thus far supported mainly government institutions and agencies”.

Deputy Minister for Investment and Development, Witold Słowik, added: "The Medical University of Warsaw is the 20th firm or institution in Poland to receive a loan under the Investment Plan for Europe, or Juncker Plan. We have six further operations in the pipeline with a positive decision by the EIB that are waiting for signature. That will bring to 26 the overall number of transactions, for a total value of above 10 billion PLN, making Poland the fifth largest recipient of loans under the Juncker Plan".