Terrorism: EP Special Committee to examine victims’ rights and EU resilience

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 19 maart 2018.

On the anniversary of the 22/3 attacks in Brussels and London, Parliament’s Committee on Terrorism holds hearings on victims’ protection.

On Wednesday 21 March, the Special Committee on Terrorism will tackle various aspects of protection for victims’ rights.

Parliament’s President Antonio Tajani i will kick off the discussion and speakers will include three victims of terrorist attacks.

Committee Chair Nathalie Griesbeck i (ALDE i, FR) will hold a press point at 18:00 outside the meeting room.

On Thursday 22 March, the committee will focus on how to strengthen EU i resilience against terrorism.


  • Wednesday 21 March from 9.00 to 18.00, followed by a Press point at 18:00.
  • Thursday 22 March from 9:30 to 13:00.

WHERE: European Parliament in Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak building (PHS), room 4B001, Brussels.

Full agenda: day 1 and day 2

The meetings will be web streamed here (21 March) and here (22 March).

Watch the press point live