African Union - European Union relations: joint visit of AU and EU ambassadors to Central African Republic

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 maart 2018.

On 7-9 March, the Political and Security Committee of the European Union (EU i PSC) travelled to the Central African Republic (CAR) for a joint field visit with the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU PSC).

The two PSCs met with the President and the cabinet of ministers of CAR, with the National Assembly, with the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General in CAR, as well as with the Force Commander of the UN mission - MINUSCA. They also met with the panel of facilitators of the African initiative for peace and reconciliation in CAR and had an informal meeting with representatives of the civil society. EU and AU PSCs conveyed common messages on continued engagement and support to the efforts for reconciliation, state building, justice and peace and solidarity with the people of CAR and reconfirmed the need for close EU-AU-UN cooperation in the country.

On 9 March, the EU PSC met the EU Training Mission in CAR (EUTM RCA), visited its headquarters in UCATEX/Bangui, as well as the Camp Kassai, the training camp of the armed forces of CAR.

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