Joint external meeting of the Working Group on Enlargement and candidate countries and the Western Balkans Working Group of the Council of the EU
A joint external meeting of the Working Group on Enlargement and candidate countries and the Western Balkans Working Group of the Council of the EU will be held on 1 March 2018 at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia.
Among the participants in the first part of the programme are the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of European Affairs of Turkey, Ambassador Selim Yenel, the Director General for the EU accession of Montenegro Jelena Burzan and Serbia’s Chief Negotiator Tanya Miscevic. They will review the state of play of the relations between the three countries and the EU ahead of the publication of the Enlargement Package in April this year. The document includes the European Commission's progress reports to countries negotiating EU membership.
The second part will include a presentation of an expert analysis on different aspects of cooperation between the EU, the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey. The session is jointly organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).