Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference
Delivering on the circular economy and discussing plans for the future
Tomorrow and Wednesday, the Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee will host in Brussels the third Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference.
Organised back-to-back with the EU Industry Day, this stakeholder conference, an initiative of the Juncker Commission i, will bring together businesses, local authorities, and citizens to discuss recent initiatives and new areas of action in the transition to a more circular, resource-efficient and low-carbon economy.
They will also examine the recently adopted EU Strategy for Plastics and consider possible actions in this area, such as the on-going work on single use plastics and local initiatives, synergies, partnerships and business cases for more sustainable use of plastics.
Participants will also share the first achievements of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform that was established last year. Commission First Vice-President Timmermans will open the conference and highlight the successes and remaining challenges of the transition towards a circular economy; Vice-President Katainen will focus on opportunities linked to the international angle of the circular economy; Commissioner Bieńkowska will discuss the industrial dimension and Commissioner Vella will encourage businesses and public authorities to become "more circular" through ambitious plans and actions.
The Commission has already delivered most of the actions presented in its 2015 Action Plan for the Circular Economy and is counting on the support of citizens, stakeholders, the European Parliament and the Council to make a faster move from traditional linear economic models to more innovative and efficient circular systems of production and consumption. The conference can be followed live here.