Human rights: Russia, Egypt and Haiti

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 8 februari 2018.
  • Russia urged to release Oyub Titiev from detention
  • Egypt condemned over mass trials and executions
  • Haiti called upon to end child slavery

MEPs call for the immediate release of Oyub Titiev in Russia, condemn the death penalty in Egypt and urge Haiti to end child slavery.

Russian government urged to release Oyub Titiev

The European Parliament calls for the immediate release of Oyub Titiev, Director of the Memorial Human Rights Centre in the Chechen Republic, who was arrested on 9 January 2018. They also urge the Russian authorities to ensure that his human and legal rights are fully respected, and express deep concern at the failure to investigate the death of Mr Titiev’s predecessor, Ms Natalia Estemirova.

MEPs urge the Russian authorities to put an immediate end to arrests, attacks, intimidation and efforts to discredit human rights defenders and journalists, and to arbitrary detention and torture of people presumed to be from the LGBTI community. The worsening conditions in civil society could harm the work of organisations promoting and protecting human rights, say MEPs, who call on the Russian authorities to conduct objective and thorough investigations into these developments.

Egypt condemned over mass trials and executions

MEPs strongly condemn the use of capital punishment by the Egyptian government and urge the Egyptian authorities to halt all planned executions and review all pending death sentences and Egypt’s criminal codes to ensure that fair trial standards are respected. They also express serious concern at the mass trials being conducted by Egyptian courts and call for aa moratorium on the death penalty, with a view to its abolition.

The European Parliament also expresses grave concern about restrictions on fundamental democratic rights and calls for the end to all acts of violence, incitement and hate speech, reminding the Egyptian government that the universal protection of human rights and long-term prosperity go hand in hand.

Haiti called upon to end child slavery

MEPs call for an end to continuing human rights violations in Haiti, including the fact that large numbers of children are forcibly removed from their families and subjected to forced labour. The Haitian government should take steps to remedy the vulnerabilities that lead to child slavery, they add.

MEPs also call on Haiti to:

  • protect children who are victims of abuse, violence and child labour,
  • set up an administrative system to ensure that all children are registered at birth and unregistered persons are registered at their place of residence, and
  • ratify various conventions which are essential in the fight against child trafficking and slavery.

In addition, the EU and its member states should honour their previous pledges to assist Haiti after Hurricane Matthew by helping to implement measures that protect children, MEPs say.

The three resolutions were approved by a show of hands on Thursday.

#humanrights #democracy