Apply now: Lorenzo Natali Media Prize for outstanding journalism in development

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 5 februari 2018.

Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica i said: "In an era of disinformation, fake news and digital algorithms, we need professional and fact-based journalism more than ever. The important work of journalists is not only crucial for democracy across the globe, but also gives visibility and a voice to those who would otherwise not be heard. Through their stories they inform, inspire, and call for much-needed change. With this prize, we thank them for their determination and encourage them to keep up the fight."

The Lorenzo Natali Media Prize is awarded to journalists reporting on issues such as poverty eradication and the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

How to apply

Journalists are invited to submit their work, be it in print, digital, radio or TV broadcast format. Applications are open from 5 February until 9 March 2018. Detailed information on the specific rules and criteria are available online.

Prize categories

The prize has two categories based on age groups: 21 to 26 years, and 27 years plus. For each category there will be a winner from each region: Africa; the Arab World and the Middle East; Asia and the Pacific; Latin America and the Caribbean; and Europe.

A "Grand Winner" will be selected among the regional winners, and an additional thematic prize will be awarded for work focused on the elimination of violence against women and girls.

The selection will be carried out by a "Grand Jury" composed of renowned journalists from across the world. This year's jury members include Bruce Shapiro from the Columbia School of Journalism, Peruvian reporter and founder of "Panorámica Lationamericana" Isabel Recavarren, New Delhi-based journalist and President of the Commonwealth Journalists Association Mahendra Ved, Le Soir's Maroun Labaki, and Mary Harper, the BBC World Service's Africa Editor.

All 11 winners will receive their awards at a ceremony during the 2018 European Development Days in Brussels this June.


Established in 1992, this media prize is awarded in memory of Lorenzo Natali, who served as a European Commissioner for 12 years. He was responsible among others for the international cooperation and development affairs portfolio between 1985 and 1989. He was a staunch defender of the freedom of expression, democracy, human rights and development.

For more information

Lorenzo Natali Media Prize


European Development Days

Hashtag: #NataliPrize



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General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email