Russia: EP delegation chair Karas urges to stop prosecuting opposition

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 5 februari 2018.

The crackdown against political opposition and human rights defenders in Russia in the run-up to the presidential elections need to end, said EP delegation chair Othmar Karas i on Monday.

“The closer presidential elections of 18 March 2018 get, the more the Russian authorities repress critical voices of the opposition and human rights defenders in the country. Russia is entering in an increasingly negative trend in the run-up to presidential elections,” said European Parliament’s delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee chair Karas. He called on the Russian authorities to revert this evolution, by upholding fundamental freedoms to which they have committed.

Mr. Karas also expressed support and solidarity with Russian citizens who struggle for respect of human rights and freedoms of expression, association and assembly, in their country. He called for the immediate release of the head of Memorial’s office in Chechnya Mr Oyub Titiev.

Background information

Last year, Russia ranked second among the Council of Europe member states, for the number of yearly filed cases for violations of the European Convention for Human Rights. This trend continues in 2018 with the arrest for dubious charges of the head of Memorial’s office in Chechnya, Mr Oyub Titiev, and repression against opposition campaigners and peaceful protesters participating in rallies across the country on 28 January. The pre-trial detention of Mr Titiev, who is sixty-year old, is particularly alarming as he has been denied access to medical care that his health condition requires. There are also serious doubts about the safeguarding of his rights, as at several steps of the legal proceedings, his lawyers were not permitted to assist him.

This week the European Parliament will debate Mr. Titiev case in plenary and adopt the resolution on Thursday. The debate will be webstreamed live.