Humanitarian aid: €37.5 million for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 30 januari 2018.

"The assistance we are announcing today will reach those affected by the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, both within the country and across the region, many of whom face of extremely dire conditions. The EU's commitment to the Afghan people remains unwavering. Incidents such as last week's attack on a humanitarian organisation take innocent lives and threaten lifesaving support to those most in need. It's fundamental that international humanitarian law is respected." said Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides.

The European Commission will provide €27 million for lifesaving supplies to the most vulnerable populations in Afghanistan who are bearing the consequences of the conflict. The assistance will cover areas such as emergency trauma care, food, water and sanitation, shelter and protection to newly displaced people. Vulnerable Afghans in Pakistan will benefit from funding of €5.5 million, which will primarily help Afghan refugees and those affected by food insecurity and malnutrition as a result of natural disasters. A further €5 million will support Afghan refugees in Iran and provide food assistance, shelter, health, protection, as well as education for vulnerable Afghan children.


The European Commission has provided humanitarian assistance to the countries in the region since the 1990s. Funds are allocated strictly on the basis of the humanitarian principles of independence, impartiality and neutrality to ensure access to all those in need.

Since 1994, the EU has allocated almost €1.4 billion in humanitarian aid to the region in addition to EU development assistance. The EU's humanitarian support has addressed the most pressing needs of vulnerable populations affected by the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan and its consequences in neighbouring countries, as well as improving local capacities to prevent and respond to the effects of natural disasters and climate change.

For More Information

Factsheet - Afghanistan

Factsheet - Pakistan

Factsheet - Iran



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