Venezuela: EU sanctions 7 individuals holding official positions

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 22 januari 2018.

In view of the continuing deterioration of the situation in Venezuela, the Council i decided to put 7 individuals holding official positions under restrictive measures, with immediate effect. These individuals are involved in the non-respect of democratic principles or the rule of law as well as in the violation of human rights. The measures include a travel ban and an asset freeze.

Today's decision was adopted as the political, social and economic situation in Venezuela continues to deteriorate, and as negotiations between the government and the opposition have not yet delivered concrete results. It is an expression of the Council's concern with this current state of affairs.

The restrictive measures aim to help foster democratic shared solutions that can bring political stability to the country and allow it to address the pressing needs of the population.

As indicated in Council conclusions of 13 November 2017, constructive dialogue and negotiation are the only sustainable way to address the current crisis and to respond to the pressing needs of the people of Venezuela. The Council indicated that the EU fully supports credible negotiations between all relevant actors that can lead to shared solutions to the multiple challenges in the country.

The conclusions also underlined that the restrictive measures can be reversed depending on the evolution of the situation in the country, in particular the holding of credible and meaningful negotiations, the respect for democratic institutions, the adoption of a full electoral calendar and the liberation of all political prisoners. The Council also recalled that these are targeted measures designed not to harm the Venezuelan population whose plight the EU wishes to alleviate.

On 13 November 2017, the Council adopted a ban on arms and equipment for internal repression and a framework decision on targeted restrictive measures without listing any individual or entity.

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