Colombian peace process, protests in Iran and Kenyan elections up for debate

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 16 januari 2018.

MEPs are set to urge the EU to support the Colombian peace process, condemn protesters’ deaths in Iran and call for reforms of Kenyan electoral process, on Tuesday afternoon.

In a debate with EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini on Tuesday from 15.00, MEPs are likely to call on the EU and its member states to renew their support for the Colombian peace process, mainly through:

Peacebuilding has been the backbone of the European Union's cooperation with Colombia since 2002.

Violent protests in Iran and Kenyan elections

In a later debate with Ms Mogherini, MEPs are set to condemn the disproportionate use of violence in Iran's most significant protests in almost a decade and strongly condemn the death of 21 protesters and the arrest of several thousand Iranians.

In the following debate starting around 17.30, MEPs will discuss the persistent instability in Kenya after the disputed 2017 presidential election and urge for reforms, on the basis of the EU electoral observation mission (EOM) to Kenya final report following the 2017 elections.

You can watch the plenary debates via EP Live, and EbS+.