US decisions on Jerusalem and the Iran nuclear deal to be debated with Mogherini

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 12 december 2017.

MEPs will discuss the recent pledge by US President Donald Trump i to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and his decision not to certify the Iran nuclear deal.

MEPs will discuss Mr Trump’s pledge to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and his order that the State Department should start preparing to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, on Tuesday afternoon with Federica Mogherini i. Yesterday the High Representative met Prime Minister Netanyahu in Brussels with EU i Foreign Ministers. They discussed how the EU can facilitate the peace process.

The US President’s decision not to certify the Iran nuclear deal will also be discussed in the plenary chamber with Ms Mogherini, in a later debate. MEPs are set to underline that the EU and the rest of the international community intend to honour the agreement and to pursue the ”twin-track” approach of sanctions coupled with diplomatic negotiations.

Rohingyas and Afghanistan

Earlier in the afternoon, MEPs are likely to renew their call on the military and security forces in Myanmar to immediately cease the killing, harassment and rape of the Muslim minority Rohingya people. A resolution on the situation of the Rohingyas will be put to the vote on Thursday 14 December.

In a separate debate, MEPs will quiz Commissioner Stylianides, representing Ms Mogherini, on how the EU's political and financial support can better contribute to Afghanistan’s stability and development, and vote on a resolution on Thursday.

You can watch the plenary debate via EP Live, and EbS+.