Fact-finding delegation to Malta to check rule of law and financial system

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 november 2017.

Following up on the resolution adopted in November expressing concerns on the rule of law in Malta, an EP i delegation will visit on a fact-finding mission.

The seven strong delegation, with MEPs coming from the six largest political groups of the EP, will seek to gather information on the situation of rule of law in the country, and the systems in place for the implementation, oversight and compliance with anti-money laundering rules and bank regulations.

To achieve this the delegation will meet with members of the government, including the Prime Minister and the justice minister, the Attorney General, the Chief Justice, representatives of the country’s financial intelligence unit, the chief of police, NGOs active in the field of the rule of law and fighting corruption, the financial services authority, and financial intermediaries, including Pilatus Bank.

On Friday, at the end of the meetings at 13:30, the Chair of the delegation, Ana Gomes i (S&D, PT), will hold a press conference at the offices of the European Parliament in Valletta.

Once back in Brussels, a report containing the delegation’s findings will be drafted.

The list of MEPs travelling in the delegation is:

Ana GOMES (S&D, PT), Head of the Delegation

David CASA i (EPP, i MT)

Maria GRAPINI i (S&D, RO)

Monica MACOVEI i (ECR, RO)



Sven GIEGOLD i (Greens/EFA i, DE)