Glyphosate: MEPs debate citizens’ call for a ban

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 20 november 2017.

A European Citizens’ Initiative petition calling for an EU-wide ban on herbicide glyphosate was discussed on Monday with the petitioners and the European Commission.

A European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) entitled “Ban glyphosate and protect people and the environment from toxic pesticides”, calling for a ban on the herbicide, a reform of the pesticide approval procedure and EU-wide mandatory reduction targets for pesticide use, collected over 1 million signatures.

Parliament rejected a ten-year renewal of glyphosate’s licence in October and proposed a full ban by 2022. EU member states will vote on a five-year renewal on 27 November.

You can listen to the video recording of interventions by clicking on the links below

Opening remarks by Environment Committee Chair Adina-Ioana VĂLEAN (EPP, RO) and presentation by Mika Leandro, representative of the Citizens’ Committee

Statements by Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriuskaitis, European Economic and Social Committee President of the Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (NAT) Section for Agriculture Brendan Burns and MEP Pál CSÁKY (EPP, SK)

Presentation by Ms Franziska Achterberg, representative of the Citizens’ Committee, and Questions

Questions by Members

Questions by Members and answers by Franziska Achterberg, Citizens’ Committee

All video recordings are available here