European Agenda on Migration: Consolidating progress made

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 15 november 2017.

The Commission and the High Representative set out the work still required to consolidate the progress achieved over the past years

In the run-up to the European Council in December, the European Commission and the High Representative reported today on progress made in better managing migration under the European Agenda on Migration.

With the total number of irregular crossings along the main migratory routes having decreased by 63% in 2017, collective efforts to protect the EU's external borders, cooperate with partner countries to tackle the root causes of irregular migration, improve the protection of migrants and win the fight against smugglers are showing concrete results.

Addressing root causes and saving lives

In Turkey, the EU is well on track to contract the €3 billion under the Facility for Refugees by the end of 2017. The EU Trust Fund for Africa is supporting countries facing crises with programmes worth almost €2 billion. Increased focus has been put on improving the often appalling conditions faced by migrants in Libya, in close cooperation with the UNHCR i, UNICEF i and the IOM i. EU operations Triton and Sophia have continued to assist Member States' at sea to save lives and apprehend suspected traffickers and smugglers.

EU solidarity and support with refugees and host countries

The EU resettlement scheme adopted in July 2015 is due to be successfully completed and resettlements under the EU-Turkey Statement are continuing at a steady pace - in total, over 25,700 persons have been resettled since the launch of the schemes. The EU relocation scheme is also successfully coming to an end with over 31,500 persons have been relocate far.

Delivering on return and readmission

As regard readmission and return, progress has been made with the conclusion of an agreement on Standard Operating Procedures on return with Bangladesh. The EU will continue pursuing structured practical cooperation with other key countries under this new approach.

Next steps

Looking ahead, and noting that external and internal engagements on migration are closely interlinked, the Commission and the High Representative are calling for further concerted action by the EU, Member States and partner countries to advance in parallel and to maintain the intensity of the EU's efforts on all fronts and thereby better manage migration together.

Related links

Press release

Progress Report on the European Agenda on Migration

Factsheet: Resettlement - Ensuring safe and legal access to protection for refugees

Factsheet: Relocation - EU solidarity between Member States

Factsheet: Central Mediterranean Route

Factsheet: The European Border and Coast Guard Agency

Factsheet: Towards a more efficient and credible EU return policy

Factsheet: Financial support to Greece

Factsheet: Financial support to Italy

Factsheet: EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

Factsheet: The EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey