November 2017: The Commission publishes progress report on the European Agenda of Migration

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 14 november 2017.

The news:

In November 2017, the European Commission will present a report on progress achieved under the European Agenda on Migration. Bringing together all strands of the Agenda, the report will focus on the progress made since September and will identify areas where further effort is needed.

The background:

In September 2017, the European Commission reviewed progress on the 2015 European Agenda on Migration setting out the next steps to put in place a stronger, fairer and more effective EU migration and asylum policy. The European Council in its meeting of October 2017 noted the results achieved on all fronts, and called for this work to be consolidated. Taking the work forward, the Commission has committed to present a regular, consolidated report on progress achieved covering all dimensions of the European Agenda on Migration.

The European Agenda on Migration adopted in 2015 put in place the framework to take forward better migration management in all its aspects. It has shaped the Union's response to the crisis situation and provided a solid framework for structural changes needed in our migration and asylum systems.

The event:

In November 2017, the Commission will publish a Progress Report on the European Agenda of Migration.

The sources:

Communication on the delivery of the European Agenda on Migration

7th Progress Report on the EU-Turkey Statement

15th Report on Relocation and Resettlement

5th Progress Report on the operationalisation of the European Border and Coast Guard

5th Progress Report on the Partnership Framework with third countries under the European Agenda on Migration



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