Asylum: Plenary to vote on negotiating mandate to reform Dublin rules

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 15 november 2017.

MEPs will vote Thursday at noon on whether or not to give the green light to start negotiations with the Council on the new Dublin system.

If a majority of MEPs confirm the decision made by the Civil Liberties Committee on Thursday 19 October to open talks with Council on the revamp of the Dublin regulation, the EU law determining which EU country is responsible for processing an asylum application, negotiations can start as soon as member states have agreed on their own negotiation mandate.

However, should the Plenary overturn the committee’s decision, the reform of the Dublin system will be added to the agenda of the next Plenary session (November II), for a full vote on the draft text and amendments.

Follow Thursday’s vote on EbS+ and EP LIVE.

Quick facts on procedure

The President of the European Parliament announced on Monday 13 November several decisions by committees to enter into inter-institutional negotiations, pursuant to Rule 69c in Parliament’s Rules of Procedure. If at least 76 MEPs request a vote on such a decision, the vote will be added to the agenda during the same session.

88 MEPs requested a vote on the mandate, to be scheduled for Thursday’s voting session.