Indicative programme - Agriculture and Fisheries Council of 6 November 2017

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 31 oktober 2017.

Place: Justus Lipsius building, Brussels

Chair: Mr. Tarmo Tamm, minister of Rural Affairs of the Republic of Estonia

All times are approximate and subject to change

+/- 08.30


+/- 09.00

Doorstep by Minister Tarmo Tamm

+/- 10.00

Beginning of the meeting (Roundtable - TV/Photo opportunity)

Adoption of the agenda

Adoption of non-legislative A items

Adoption of legislative A items (public session)


+/- 10.10

Sustainable use of pesticides (public session)

+/- 11.40

Any other business:

  • Outcome of the summit on "Equal quality of products for all" (public session)

+/- 12.00

Sustainable soil management

+/- 15.00

Trade-related agricultural issues

+/- 16.30

Any other business:

  • Outcome of the meeting of the Visegrad group on:
  • renewable energey directive

+/- 17.10

Press conference with Commissioner Hogan (live streaming)

Visit the meeting page

See also

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