Environment - Parliament exceeds set targets, adopts stricter reduction goals

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 oktober 2017, 15:31.
  • Parliament has already met - and exceeded - most environment targets set for 2020
  • New, more ambitious CO2 reduction targets adopted
  • In 2016, Parliament’s CO2 emissions were 27.26% lower than in 2006

Parliament’s CO2 emissions should be cut by 40% by 2030, EP leaders decided on Monday evening in a move to further reduce the institution’s environmental footprint.

On Monday evening, Parliament’s Bureau took note of achievements made by 2016 towards reaching Parliament’s environment targets for 2020 and found that in most areas, the institution did not only meet, but even exceeded the set targets.

They therefore adopted a new, more ambitious, carbon dioxide target for 2030: a 40% cut compared to 2006. This will replace the old target of 30% by 2020.The 40% target reflects the EU i commitments made to implement the Paris climate change agreement.

Parliament beats its targets in areas of waste, heating and consumption

100% of Parliament’s electricity comes from renewable sources. It is the first EU institution to become carbon neutral, as it offsets 100% of its irreducible emissions. All food waste undergoes a process of biomethanisation, which produces usable biogas. No food waste is incinerated and unsold food is donated to charity, instead of being thrown away.

Finally, to promote the use of public transport as opposed to car use, Parliament offers co-financing of public transport passes for staff and bicycles are available at the three places of work.

Parliament joined the voluntary Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) ten years ago.


European Parliament Vice-President Ulrike Lunacek (Greens/EFA, AT), (who has responsibility for EMAS), said: “I am very proud that the European Parliament is the only EMAS-registered Parliament in the EU. I am particularly happy that it has exceeded its ambitious targets in delivering its fair share against climate change. This best practice is an excellent model for the EU and other institutions on how to jointly tackle the climate crisis and how to lead by example! ”

Quick Facts

Targets and achievements reached by Parliament:

  • CO2 emissions

Target: 30% reduction between 2006 and 2020

Performance in 2016: -27,26% (compared to 2006)

  • Electricity consumption

Target: 4% reduction between 2012 and 2016

Performance in 2016: -12,40% (compared to 2012)

  • Gas, heating, oil and district heating consumption

Target: 5% reduction between 2012 and 2016

Performance in 2016: -19,62% (compared to 2012)

  • Paper consumption

Target: Stabilisation between 2012 and 2016

Performance in 2016: -27,78% (compared to 2012)

  • Water consumption

Target: 2% reduction between 2012 and 2016

Performance in 2016: -4,48% (compared to 2012)

  • Waste production

Target: 5% reduction between 2012 and 2016

Performance in 2016: -28,62% (compared to 2012)

  • Waste recycling

Target: 68% to be attained in 2016

Performance in 2016: 65,8% (2014: 68,9% - 2015: 77,4%)