Akkoord over verdere vereenvoudiging van EU-landbouwregels via omnibusverordening

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 12 oktober 2017.

On 12 October 2017 the Estonian presidency and the European Parliament reached a preliminary agreement on the agricultural part of the so-called Omnibus regulation. The Omnibus regulation amends the financial regulation governing the implementation of the EU budget as well as 15 sectorial legislative acts, including in the field of agriculture.

The agreed rules make a series of technical improvements to the four regulations governing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): direct payments, rural development, common market organisation and horizontal regulation.

"I am glad to announce an agreement that reflects the position and priorities of the Council: simplification in continuity. In order to thrive, our farmers need to have a set of rules that are simple, effective and workable. Today we agreed on improvements that will make their daily life and the work of national administrations easier", said Marko Gorban, Chief negotiator, Estonian presidency

The new measures are part of a joint institutional effort to simplify the reformed Common Agricultural Policy in light of the experience acquired through its implementation, and offer member states additional leeway to act in line with specific national or regional needs.

The agreement will have to be confirmed by the Special Committee on Agriculture during the meeting scheduled on Monday, 16 October.

Council general approach of 10 April 2017 on the Omnibus proposal