Indicative programme - Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting of 9 October 2017

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 6 oktober 2017.

Place: European Convention Center Luxembourg i (ECCL)

Chair: Mr. Siim Kiisler, minister of Environment of the Republic of Estonia

Mr. Tarmo Tamm, minister of Rural Affairs of the Republic of Estonia

All times are approximate and subject to change

+/- 09.00

Doorstep by Minister Tarmo Tamm

+/- 09.15

Doorstep by Minister Siim Kiisler

+/- 10.00

Beginning of the meeting (Roundtable - TV/Photo opportunity)

Adoption of the agenda

Adoption of legislative A items (public session)

Adoption of non-legislative A items


+/- 10.15

2018 fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea

+/- 11.20

Any other business:

  • Follow-up of the fipronil incident (public session)
  • Financing of the EU Minor Use Coordination Facility (EUMUCF)


+/- 14.30

Market developments

Any other business:

  • Joint declaration of the extended Visegrad on the future of the CAP
  • Free trade agreement with Mercosur
  • The future of mountain agriculture in the Alps

+/- 16.30

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and EU agriculture

+/- 18.00

Any other business:

  • US anti-subsidy and anti-dumping proceeding against black table olives from Spain
  • Conclusions of the conference of directors of EU paying agencies
  • Conclusions of the informal meeting of the directors for rural development

+/- 18.30

Press conference with Commissioner Hogan (live streaming)

+/- 18.00

Any other business:

  • Approaches for sustainable and deforestation-free supply chains


+/- 19.00

EU/Norway: annual consultations for 2018

+/- 19.35

ICCAT annual meeting

+/- 20.35

2018 fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea: final compromise

+/- 21.30

Press conference with Commissioner Vella (live streaming)

Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 9 October 2017

Photos and videos from the meeting, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 9 October 2017

Press conferences and public events by video streaming