Counter-terrorism special committee kick-off meeting

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 13 september 2017, 16:31.

Newly elected Chair of the TERR committee, Nathalie Griesbeck (ALDE, FR) and vice-chairs during the first meeting of the committee © E P

The 30-strong Special Committee on Counter Terrorism chose its chair, vice-chairs and co-rapporteurs in Strasbourg on Thursday.

Besides chair Nathalie Griesbeck (ALDE, FR), the committee will have four vice-chairs: Elena Valenciano i (S&D i, ES), Judith Sargentini i (Greens/EFA i, NL), Jeroen Lenaers i (EPP, NL), and Geoffrey Van Orden i (ECR, UK).

The committee will assess the extent of the terrorist threat on European soil, highlight any potential faults, deficiencies and gaps in counter-terrorism measures, and recommend solutions.

Quick Facts

The special committee’s mandate was approved in plenary session on 6 July. It will focus on:

  • how external border management measures are implemented,
  • deficiencies in sharing judicial, law enforcement and intelligence information among member state,,
  • the interoperability of European information-sharing databases,
  • the impact of EU anti-terror laws on fundamental rights,
  • radicalisation and the effectiveness of de-radicalisation programmes,
  • money laundering and terrorism financing, including its links to organised crime, and
  • best practices for protecting soft targets and critical infrastructure, such as airports and train stations.

Next steps

The calendar of upcoming meetings will be determined and published soon.

The committee will visit and hold hearings with other EU institutions, the Europol law enforcement cooperation agency, the national parliaments and governments of member states and non-EU countries, law enforcement agencies, intelligence services, judges and magistrates and victims’ organisations.

It is to deliver a mid-term and a final report containing factual findings and recommendations.

The committee's mandate runs for a period of 12 months from today, and may be prolonged.

In addition to the 30 full members approved in plenary session, the committee will also have 30 substitute members. Find the full list of members here.