Assessment of the EU’s security and counter-terrorism tools

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 6 september 2017, 16:31.

Security Commissioner Sir Julian King i will present an evaluation of the EU’s security tools, including counter-terrorism, to the Civil Liberties Committee on Thursday.

The Comprehensive Security Assessment reviews the Union’s policies and instruments in the area of internal security over the last 15 years to see if the activities are satisfactory and to identify any gaps requiring further action.

Commissioner King pledged to carry out the comprehensive assessment during his hearing before the Civil Liberties Committee in September 2016. Members of the Committee have repeatedly called for an evaluation of existing tools to ensure their effectiveness and that no gaps exist.

According to the latest Eurobarometer poll, 80% of Europeans want the EU to do more to tackle threats.

WHERE: József Antall building (JAN), room 4Q2

WHEN: Thursday 07 September, from 09.15 to 10.15

You can follow the debate on EP Live.