Wednesday 6 September: The Commission publishes the 5th Report on the progress made under the Partnership Framework on Migration

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 6 september 2017.

The news:

The European Commission i and the High Representative i are presenting the 5th Report on the progress made under the Partnership Framework on Migration and implementation of measures to address the situation along the Central Mediterranean Route, in line with the Action Plan on measures to support Italy.

The background:

The Partnership Framework on Migration was launched in June 2016 to step up as a priority cooperation with countries of origin and transit in Africa. Work along the Central Mediterranean Route has further been enhanced since the adoption of the Joint Communication on the Central Mediterranean Route in January and the Malta Declaration of February 2017. Measures taken are aimed at saving lives along the migratory routes, increase protection of migrants and refugees, enhance resilience of host communities and address root causes of migration.



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