EP: Sofia and Skopje treaty brings Macedonia step closer to EU membership

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 1 augustus 2017, 14:01.

The "Treaty on friendship" between Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia brings the Macedonian people a step closer to their desired membership of the EU, say MEPs.

Members of the European Parliament Eduard Kukan i (EPP, SK), Knut Fleckenstein i (S&D, DE) and Ivo Vajgl i (ALDE, SI), EP envoys for the 15 July 2015 Przino Agreement, issued the following statement in response to the signature of the bilateral "Treaty on friendship, good neighbourliness and cooperation".

"We welcome the signature of the bilateral "Treaty on friendship, good neighbourliness and cooperation" between Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. We are encouraged by the commitment of both governments to strengthen relations between the two countries and to deliver mutual benefits for all their citizens. We firmly believe that such positive developments set an example in the region and bring the Macedonian people a step closer to their desired membership of the European Union. The European Parliament will continue to support the Sobranie in fulfilling the aspirations of its citizens and on the necessary reforms to move the country forward on its European path.”