European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) has reduced threshold for eligible projects to EUR 1 million and withdraws registration fee required to upload projects

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Economische en financiële zaken (ECFIN) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 20 juli 2017.

The European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) is the central online speed-dating platform for EU projects and investors worldwide. It is hosted by the European Commission and is part of the Investment Plan for Europe, aiming to mobilise investment, promote economic growth and create more jobs.

In order to make it even easier for project promoters to highlight investment opportunities, the EIPP has now reduced the threshold for eligible projects from EUR 5 million to EUR 1 million and withdrawn the registration fee required to upload projects.


Related links

European Investment Project Portal (EIPP)

Investment plan for Europe