Indicative programme - Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting of 17 and 18 July 2017

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 14 juli 2017.


Justus Lipsius building, Brussels


Tarmo Tamm, Minister of Rural Affairs and Siim Kiisler, Minister of Environment

All times are approximate and subject to change

Monday 17 July

+/- 09.45

Doorstep by Minister Tamm

+/- 09.25

Doorstep by Minister Kiisler

+/- 10.00

Beginning of the meeting (Roundtable)

Adoption of the agenda

Adoption non-legislative of A items

Adoption of legislative A items (live streaming)

+/- 10.15

Presidency work programme (live streaming)

+/- 10.35

Fishing opportunities for 2018

+/- 11.50

Any other business:

+/- 15.05

Organic farming (live streaming)

+/- 16.35

Future of the common agricultural policy

Implementation of May 2015 Council conclusions on simplifications

Any other business:

  • meeting of the extended Visegrad group
  • reflection paper on the future of the EU finances
  • conference on GMO-free agriculture
  • AU-EU conference on "Making sustainable agriculture a future for youth in Africa"

+/- 19.25

Press conference (live streaming)

Tuesday 18 July

+/- time to be confirmed

Doorstep by Minister Tamm

+/- 10.00

Beginning of the meeting (Roundtable)

Trade-related agricultural issues

Any other business:

  • trade practices of third countries vis-à-vis EU member states

+/- 11.50

Wine grape varieties and their synonyms on labels

+/- 12.20

Any other business: