Joint statement following the 12th EU-Jordan Association Council

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 10 juli 2017.

The twelfth session of the Association Council of the European Union and Jordan took place in Brussels on 10 July 2017. The session was co-chaired by Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and by Ayman Safadi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Jordan.

The session confirmed the strong partnership with Jordan and the solid diplomatic relationship that has been established. The European Union and Jordan see mutual benefit in working together addressing a number of global challenges such as the fight against terrorism and climate change. The EU and Jordan have worked effectively together as co-Presidency of the Union for the Mediterranean since 2012, as well as in the context of the United Nations and other fora. The Association Council confirmed that the European Union and Jordan share the same views on key regional issues, from the Middle East Peace Process to the situation in Iraq and the Syria conflict. The EU and Jordan agreed on the need to find political solutions to the crises affecting the region. Both underlined the importance of effective multilateral and regional cooperation, and agreed to continue working together.

A resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a priority for the EU and Jordan. The EU and Jordan see no viable alternative to the two-state solution; the only way to fulfil legitimate aspirations of both parties and allowing them to live side-by-side, in peace and security, and in mutual recognition. The regional context makes it even more urgent to end this conflict.

The EU and Jordan reviewed the outcome of the Brussels Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region of 5 April. With the Association Council coinciding with the 7th round of intra-Syrian talks in Geneva, the EU and Jordan reiterated their full support to UN initiatives in view of a political solution to the Syria conflict as the only way ahead. The EU and Jordan also reviewed the mutual commitments between the Conference co-chairs and Jordan agreed at the Brussels Conference, as per the Jordan Output Document.

Recognising the impact of the Syria crisis on Jordan and the country's exceptional hospitality to Syrian refugees, the EU confirmed its willingness to maintain the level of support allocated for 2016-17 in 2018 and committed to a similar level for 2019, in support of Jordan's Executive Development Programme 2017-2019, Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 and the Jordan Response Plan 2017-2019. Jordan confirmed its commitment to continue providing education and livelihood opportunities for Syrian refugees, with the support of the international community.

The EU indicated that it has allocated EUR 1.63 billion to Jordan since the start of the Syria crisis, across different instruments. The support includes bilateral aid as well as assistance addressing the impact of the Syrian crisis and which has benefited both host communities and the refugee population. In line with the spirit of the Partnership Priorities adopted in December 2016 between the EU and Jordan, the EU confirmed that it will continue to apply the different tools at its disposal in support of Jordan's holistic economic reform strategy.

The EU and Jordan reached an agreement at technical level on a Memorandum of Understanding on the EU's second programme of macro-financial assistance to Jordan. Following this important step, the entry into force of the Memorandum will enable a first disbursement of EUR 100 million.

The EU and Jordan discussed the implementation of the Partnership Priorities and EU-Jordan Compact and confirmed their ambition to intensify dialogue on issues of mutual interest and cooperate across inter-related domains from counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism to knowledge-based and inclusive growth, job creation, innovation, employability, strengthening the rule of law and democratic governance.

The Association Council provided an opportunity to identify areas where the EU and Jordan could enhance cooperation. The EU and Jordan noted with satisfaction the increasing dialogue on security-related matters, including on issues related to the Common Security and Defence Policy, and scope for continuing working together in the context of the rule of law, notably on integrated border management or countering violent extremism.

Reviewing developments since the decision adopted by the 10th Association Committee on the relaxation of rules of origin between the EU and Jordan, both parties welcomed that companies have started to export under the new scheme and confirmed that cooperation will be intensified to implement the scheme, publicise its benefits to potential investors in the private sector and take forward initiatives and address the different challenges, in view of enhancing the investment climate and creating job opportunities for Jordanians as well as Syrian refugees.

Jordan highlighted the economic challenges it faces and the EU confirmed its support to creating an environment conducive to the creation of jobs by the private sector, notably for youth and women. The EU referred to significant support to both private sector development and for education and vocational and technical education and training in that regard. Increased connectivity between the labour market and the educational system is a priority in the EU-Jordan cooperation. The Association Council noted the importance of student, staff and researcher exchanges and of cooperation on research and innovation. The Association Council welcomed the forthcoming participation of Jordan in the Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) and stressed that the international agreement on terms and conditions of Jordan's participation in PRIMA initialled today is an important step to enable Jordan's membership in the Partnership. PRIMA is expected to mobilise joint research on two challenges relevant to Jordan: efficient and sustainable food production and water provision.

As regards the latter, the EU and Jordan also confirmed the importance of the implementation of the Red Sea/Dead Sea project, with the involvement of all parties.

The EU welcomed the ratification by Jordan of the Paris Agreement on climate change in November 2016. This Agreement demonstrates that countries all around the world with very different interests can come together to address shared concerns that will affect the entire world.

The EU and Jordan exchanged views on human rights and agreed to pursue regular dialogue. The EU commended Jordan's efforts in the area of freedom of religion or belief. On women's rights, the EU looks forward to the abolition of article 308 of the penal code.

Jordan informed on the forthcoming local elections. The EU reiterated the overall positive findings of the Election Observation Mission on last September's parliamentary elections and encouraged Jordan to take up its recommendations. The EU will continue to support Jordan's democratic governance.