Counter-terrorism - Eurojust report on foreign fighters presented to Civil Liberties MEPs

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 juni 2017.

Eurojust President Michèle Coninsx discussed the EU criminal justice response to foreign terrorist fighters with MEPs©EU 2017 - EP

The latest Eurojust report on Foreign Terrorist Fighters was presented to Civil Liberties Committee MEPs on Thursday morning.

Eurojust President Michèle Coninsx presented the main findings of the report “Foreign Terrorist Fighters: Eurojust’s views on the phenomenon and the criminal justice response” to MEPs and gave an overview of developments 2012-2016, the justice response in member states, work in the field on deradicalisation and strategies for dealing with returnees.

The report itself is not available to the public, but a video of the presentation by Ms Coninsx will shortly be available .



REF.: 20170627IPR78408

Gecreëerd: 28-06-2017 - 15:39

Bijgewerkt op: 29-06-2017 - 11:48