Migration: Joint declaration by Commissioner Avramopoulos and the Ministers of Interior of France, Germany and Italy

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 3 juli 2017.

The Ministers of Interior of France, Germany and Italy and the European Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs met in Paris on 2 July 2017 to discuss the challenges posed by the increasing migratory flow on the Central Mediterranean route.

They expressed strong solidarity with Italy, which faces rising numbers of arrivals.

In order to provide increased support to Italy and contribute to stem the migratory flow, they agreed on the following measures:

  • Work on a code of conduct for NGO's, to be drafted and presented by Italy, in order to improve coordination with NGO's operating in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Enhance support to the Libyan coast-guard by increasing training activities and providing additional financial support, while ensuring close monitoring of activities.
  • Provide additional support to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to allow facilities in Libya to reach international standards in terms of living conditions and human rights.
  • Encourage the examination of possible concrete options to reinforce border controls at the Southern border of Libya in order to stem irregular migratory flows, in close coordination with Libya's neighbouring countries.
  • Reinforce the EU strategy on returns, making full use of capacities provided by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) as well as of the agreed coordinated reassessing of visa policy toward third countries in order to enhance readmission rates where needed.
  • Make full use and accelerate the agreed EU relocation scheme in order to strengthen relocation of persons in need of protection. France and Germany have expressed their commitment to increase their relocation efforts.

In order to allow swift progress in support of Italy, the Ministers of Interior of France, Germany and Italy and the European Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs call on all EU partners to consider these action points at the next EU informal Council meeting in Tallinn on 6 July.



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