Commission welcomes agreement on new rules for organic production

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 28 juni 2017.

Today, the negotiators of the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement to update the rules for organic production, thereby accommodating the needs of a growing sector.

Following the decisive meeting, Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan i said: "We welcome the successful conclusion to today's trilogue and the agreement reached on the Organics Regulation and believes that the new legislative framework will match the dynamism and expectations of this fast-growing sector, support its development and its capacity to innovate and help it to reach its full potential.

After more than three years of negotiation, the agreement will remove obstacles to the sustainable development of organic production in the EU, thus guaranteeing fair competition for farmers and operators, while also improving controls and consumer confidence.

Following the trilogue, the Commission looks forward to the agreement reached today being endorsed by the European Parliament's Agriculture & Rural Development Committee and the Council of Agriculture Ministers, thus allowing the new legislation to come into effect as soon as possible."

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Organic farming in the EU



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