Regions hit by natural disasters to get more support from EU

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 26 juni 2017.

On 26 June 2017, the Council adopted a regulation providing regions hit by earthquakes, floods or other natural disasters with increased EU support. To help affected regions in the task of reconstruction, the EU will in future bear up to 95% of the costs. This almost doubles the EU's financial contribution for some regions from the current level of 50%.

"Today's decision is a very concrete expression of what the EU is about: it translates common values into a concrete act of solidarity. Since no country is safe from natural disasters this is in the interest of all member states", said the Maltese parliamentary secretary for EU funds and President of the Council, Dr Aaron Farrugia.

By 2020 a total amount of up to €9.8 billion will be available to support disaster stricken regions. This represents 5% of the European fund for regional development (ERDF) from which the assistance is financed.

The total envelope of the ERDF of €196.4 billion remains unchanged. To help member states cope with natural disasters the EU will also continue to use its solidarity fund of which €500 million can be mobilised each year.


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