General Affairs Council, 20/06/2017 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 21 juni 2017, 1:11.

Mid-term review of the EU's budgetary framework 2014-2020

The Council adopted a revised EU budgetary framework for 2014-2020 to meet new priorities. It devotes more resources to help boost jobs and growth and to address the migration crisis. It also strengthens the EU's capacity to react to unexpected events.

"Today's decision adjusts the EU's budgetary framework to bring it in line with the challenges we face. It means that the EU budget will be an even more effective instrument to strengthen growth, create jobs and tackle the migration crisis. It also allows the EU to react more quickly and take the necessary decisions when faced with new challenges"

Dr Helena Dalli, Maltese Minister for European Affairs and Equality and President of the Council

EU revises its budget framework for 2014-2020 to meet new priorities

June European Council

The Council finalised preparations for the European Council meeting on 22-23 June by discussing draft conclusions covering the following items:

migration - where the European Council will assess latest developments, with a particular focus on the Central Mediterranean route

security and defence - where leaders will take stock of progress and provide guidance for further work

jobs, growth and competitiveness - where the European Council will review efforts to deepen the single market and reaffirm the EU's strong commitment to free and fair trade

external relations - where the European Council will be debriefed on a number of recent high-level meetings

the Paris agreement on climate change - to which leaders will reaffirm their commitment

digital Europe - where the European Council will call for a move from a sectoral to a holistic approach

"The European Council will cover a wide range of issues. Its overall aim is to help strengthen Europe and protect its citizens. That means taking the lead on tackling climate change, protecting Europe's borders, fighting terrorism, pursuing a robust trade policy, strengthening cooperation on security and defence, and shaping its own future as an influence for good in the world. I am proud of Malta's record in contributing to this positive agenda during its six months at the helm of the Council"

Dr Helena Dalli, Maltese Minister for European Affairs and Equality and President of the Council

Priorities for 2018

The Council held its first discussion on the legislative priorities for 2018. Ministers underlined the importance of focussing on those issues which can contribute to the objective of strengthening Europe and protecting its citizens. The Council's discussion will feed into the Commission's preparations of its 2018 work programme.

"We face many challenges, but today's discussion has enabled us to focus on those initiatives and actions which will strengthen Europe's ability to tackle these challenges in the medium-term"

Dr Helena Dalli, Maltese Minister for European Affairs and Equality and President of the Council

Council programme for the next 18 months

The Council approved its work programme for the next 18 months, from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2018. During this period the Council will be chaired successively by the Estonian, Bulgarian and Austrian six-month rotating presidencies. The work programme seeks to tackle the recent challenges, strengthen trust in the European Union, bring it closer to citizens and simplify life and business through tangible results. It identifies the five following priority areas:

Jobs, growth and competitiveness

The protection of citizens

Energy union and a forward-looking climate policy

Freedom, security and justice

The EU as a strong global actor

Council programme for 1 July 2017 - 31 December 2018

Meeting information

Meeting n°3552




Preparatory documents

Indicative programme - General Affairs and General Affairs (Art. 50) Councils of 20 June 2017

Background brief

List of A items, non-legislative activities, General Affairs Council, 20 June 2017

List of A items, legislative deliberation, General Affairs Council, 20 June 2017

Provisional agenda, General Affairs Council, 20 June 2017

Outcome documents

Outcome of Council meeting

List of participants

Press releases

EU response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - a sustainable European future

20/06/2017, 11:15

Uniform format for short-stay visas (Schengen): Council adopts regulation on the update of security features in the visa sticker

20/06/2017, 09:35

EU revises its budget framework for 2014-2020 to meet new priorities

20/06/2017, 09:30

Press information

Press contacts

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Press officer

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