Conference on migration management

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 20 juni 2017.

The Parliament i will host a conference on migration management in Brussels on 21 June 14.30 -19.45 CET to create a sense of urgency ahead of the European summit.

The event, organised at the initiative of European Parliament President Antonio Tajani i, will bring together more than 700 participants working on migration at all levels. NGOs, IGOs and political decision-makers will address responsibility-sharing among Member States, strengthening the EU's internal security, tackling the root causes of migration and ensuring a stable and prosperous socio-economic environment in non-EU countries, in order to find viable solutions on the migration crisis and deliver on the expectations of European citizens.

Media accreditation

Journalists accredited to the European Parliament will be able to attend the conference with their usual media accreditation only. Seats are reserved for the press for the opening, roundtables and closing in the hemicycle, as well as in Paul-Henri Spaak (PHS) 3C50 for the roundtable which is taking place in parallel.

Photojournalists should request a special audiovisual badge (“T-badge”) to be allowed to record or take photos during the conference. Requests for audiovisual badges can be sent to or requested at the press entrance (left side of the Paul-Henri Spaak building, when seen from Place Luxembourg).

The conference will be webstreamed live on EP Live and EbS+

Press conference

European Parliament President Antonio Tajani will hold a press conference with Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker i and High Representative Federica Mogherini i Wednesday at 15.30 in the Anna Politkovskaya room (Paul-Henri Spaak - PHS 0A50).

Watch the press conference on EP Live

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REF.: 20170619IPR77722

Gecreëerd: 20-06-2017 - 10:24