Iraq: Council adopts conclusions

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 19 juni 2017.

In light of recent developments, the Council discussed and adopted conclusions on Iraq. In its conclusions, the Council commends the Iraqi Government of Prime Minister al-Abadi and the Iraqi security forces for the significant advances they have made in the military campaign against Da'esh over the past months. It also reiterates its steadfast support for Iraq's unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Council emphasises the importance of an inclusive process of reconciliation both at national and local level, and the need to make tangible progress on political reforms to enable full national reconciliation.

The EU has expressed its highest concern about the humanitarian situation in Iraq. The EU remains fully engaged through its humanitarian assistance, with € 159 million in 2016 and EUR 42 million in 2017 so far for humanitarian support to populations moist affected by the conflict.

The EU underscores the importance of security and the rule of law for stability in the liberated areas and across the whole country. It is essential that security agencies improve their relation with the civilian population. For this purpose, the EU and its Member States are already providing support to Iraq in the security sector. In response to the request by the Iraqi authorities, the EU is examining the deployment of an EU Security Sector Reform Advice and Assist Team to assist in the reform efforts in cooperation and coherence with other international partners.