Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 15-16/06/2017 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 juni 2017, 1:05.

The Council discussed the European Semester 2017 and approved the employment and social policy aspects of the country specific recommendations. The overall objective of the 2017-2018 recommendations is to deliver more jobs and faster growth, whilst taking better account of social fairness.

European Semester overview and infographics

The Council reached a general approach on a directive which seeks to protect workers against carcinogenic substances in the work place.

"With this agreement, we can better protect millions of EU workers from cancer-causing chemical substances in the work place. This is particularly important given that cancer is the first cause of work-related deaths in the EU."

Helena Dalli, Minister for EU affairs and equality, President of the Council

Better protection for workers from cancer-causing substances: Council reaches agreement (press release, 15/06/2017)

The Presidency informed the Council about the outcome of the lunch debate on the European Pillar of social rights. The core element of the Pillar is a set of 20 key principles and rights to support fair and well-functioning labour markets and welfare systems.

The Council took note of progress regarding the posting of workers directive, which aims at ensuring a level playing field for service providers whilst at the same time protecting posted workers.

Fair labour mobility in the EU (background information)

It took note of progress on the directive regarding the accessibility of certain products and services for persons with disabilities, and on revised regulations on the coordination of social security systems.

It also took note of progress on directives on equal treatment and on women on company boards.

The Council adopted conclusions on "Making work-pay strategies" and on the European Court of Auditors i' report entitled "Youth unemployment - have EU policies made a difference? An assessment of the youth guarantee and the youth employment initiative".

EU action to boost youth employment (background information)

Agenda highlights - 16 June


The Council will adopt conclusions to contribute towards halting the rise in childhood overweight and obesity. It will also adopt conclusions on encouraging member state driven voluntary cooperation between health systems. Furthermore, ministers will exchange views on the health aspects of the European pillar of Social Rights. Finally, ministers will be informed by the Commission on its efforts against pollution of water and soil by pharmaceutical residues.

Meeting information

Meeting n°3548




Preparatory documents

Background brief

Outcome documents

Outcome of the Council meeting

Press releases

Better protection for workers from cancer-causing substances: Council reaches agreement

15/06/2017, 13:05

Press information

Evi Liaskou (employment and social policy) and Jérôme Unterhuber (health)

14 June 2017

Press briefing


Main press room - Justus Lipsius building - by Ambassador Neil Kerr - This briefing is "off the record"

15 June 2017

Press opportunity

VIP entrance ECC Luxembourg




Presidency doorstep



Press conference


Press room - ECC Luxembourg - 1st press conference on employement

Watch the press conference


Press room - ECC Luxembourg - 2nd press conference on social policy

Watch the press conference

16 June 2017

Press opportunity

VIP entrance ECC Luxembourg





Press conference


Press room - ECC Luxembourg - Press conference on health issues

Watch the press conference

Press opportunity

Presidency doorstep

Press contacts

Evi Liaskou

Press officer

+32 22815272

+32 470960477

Jérôme Unterhuber

Press officer

+32 22815394

+32 473923628

If you are not a journalist, please send your request to the public information service.