Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 12/06/2017 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 13 juni 2017, 1:04.



The Council i held an orientation debate on the legislative proposal for a new regulation on organic production and labelling of organic products.

Ministers restated their commitment to finding an agreement on the file and discussed possible ways of overcoming the current standstill in negotiations.

"Despite our unwavering commitment to securing a positive outcome, negotiations on the organic regulation have made little progress recently. Today member states have asked the Maltese presidency to come with an updated text in the hope of reaching an agreement with the European Parliament i before the end of our term. We are grateful for the trust given to us and we are committed to working on this dossier until the very last day”

Clint Camilleri, Maltese Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and president of the Council

The Presidency i will work on an updated text with a view to organising a trilogue with the EP by the end of the month. To this end it will convene bilateral meetings with the member states as soon as possible.

Market situation

In line with its commitment to follow the market situation closely, the Council was briefed by the Commission i on the latest developments in the main agricultural sectors.

The Commission considered that the market situation had significantly improved in several sectors in recent months, although there were some exceptions, for instance in the poultry sector and in some member states' pig meat sectors.

Ministers generally welcomed these positive signals, but some drew attention to particular sectors which are still experiencing difficulties due to seasonal oversupply, bad weather or veterinary restrictions.

"We welcome the positive developments in many agricultural sectors, but we must not drop our guard. The Council remains vigilant, and is ready to react in case of any sudden deterioration in the economic conditions "

Clint Camilleri, Maltese Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and president of the Council

Other topics on the agenda

Ministers were also informed about:

the activities carried out by the presidency on the issue of emergency preparedness for plant and animal health, one of the Maltese presidency's priorities

the state of play of the meat fraud in Brazil

the ongoing negotiations on an EU-Mercosur trade agreement

the state of play of discussions on the proposed regulation on veterinary medicinal products

the position of the EU in WTO negotiations

the EU-African Union ministerial conference "Making sustainable agriculture a future for youth in Africa (Rome, 2 June 2017), and

the upcoming signature of the "European soy declaration"

Meeting information

Meeting n°3547




Preparatory documents

Indicative programme

List of A items, non-legislative activities, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 12 June 2017

Provisional agenda, Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 12 June 2017

Background brief

Outcome documents

Outcome of Council meeting

List of participants

Press information

Press contacts

Maria Daniela Lenzu

Press officer

+32 22812146

+32 470880402

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