EU-funded pan-European infrastructures to support research in CO2 reduction and social sciences
The European Commission today granted the legal status of European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) to two international research infrastructures hosted by Norway.
Based in Trondheim, the European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory (ECCSEL ERIC) will establish a world-class distributed research infrastructure to facilitate experimental research on new and improved CO2 capture, transport and storage techniques (CCS). The EU has so far supported the project with €6 million.
The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC) will provide a distributed and sustainable infrastructure enabling the research community to conduct high-quality research in social sciences and come up with effective solutions to major challenges facing society today. Based in Bergen, it will also facilitate teaching and learning in social sciences. So far CESSDA has received EU funding of €18 million.
This decision marks the first time ERICs are hosted outside the EU. The ERIC status provides the facilities with many administrative advantages enjoyed by international organisations and therefore helps to successfully implement the infrastructure projects.