Justice and Home Affairs Council, 08-09/06/2017 - Main results, 8 June

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 juni 2017, 1:15.

Criminal justice in cyberspace

Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs discussed the way forward on e-evidence on the basis of the practical solutions identified as a result of the Commission's expert process.. They supported the swift implementation of a number of practical measures to improve cooperation among judicial authorities and with service providers. These include the creation of an electronic user-friendly version of the European Investigation Order (EIO), the creation of single points of contacts within the authorities of member states and service providers to facilitate cooperation, the streamlining of service providers' policies on procedures and conditions to request access, the standardisation of forms used by member states to request access to e-evidence, amongst others. To improve cooperation with US authorities, a key partner when it comes to e-evidence, the exchange of best practices and training of practitioners should also be further enhanced.

A large majority of them supported the need to consider EU i legislative action regarding direct cooperation with service providers and setting EU common conditions and minimum safeguards for direct access to data by authorities from a computer system. Many underlined that in developing such a framework due account must given to the issues of data protection as well as the need to take into account and ensure synergies as appropriate with current discussions taking place at international level. Taking into account the sense of urgency raised by a number of ministers, the Commission announced its intention to present a legislative proposal early next year.

The European Commission i briefed ministers on the work carried out in the expert process on encryption, which is foreseen to continue during the coming months. The Presidency also briefed ministers on the state of play with regard to data retention.

Video on protection of children in migration, 8 June 2017


Council i discussed measures to better protect children in migration.

Live streaming

8 June 2017

08:00 Arrivals

10:05 Public session

18:00 Press conference

9 June 2017

08:30 Arrivals

16.20 Public session

17:00 Press conference

Estimated schedule

Children in migration

Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs jointly discussed the current challenges related to the increased number of children in migration travelling to and arriving in the European Union. In 2015 and 2016, 30 percent of asylum applicants in the EU were children, many of them traveling without their family.

Ministers adopted Council conclusions to reaffirm that children in migration have the right to be protected, in line with relevant provisions of EU law, including the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and with international law on the rights of the child.

"Children in migration require a specific protection as they are exposed to high risks of violence, trafficking or exploitation along migration routes. The debate is a first step. We now need to move forward and ensure that we take, at national level, appropriate and practical measures such as those proposed by the Commission in its recent communication."

Maltese presidency

Council conclusions on the protection of children in migration

Other Justice issues

The Council adopted a number of general approaches including on the directive on the supply of digital content and services, on the proposal for a directive on countering money laundering by means of criminal law, and on data protection by the union institutions and bodies.

The member states participating in enhanced cooperation adopted a general approach on the proposal for a regulation of the Council on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, whose role is to combat crimes against the EU's financial interests.

Press release on European Public Prosecutor's office (EPPO), 8 June 2017

Agenda highlights, 9 June

Ministers are expected to adopt conclusions on improving interoperability of information systems. They will also review the work on the proposals to improve the Schengen Information System. Over lunch, Ministers will discuss counter terrorism and combatting radicalisation.

Response to foreign terrorist fighters and recent terrorist attacks in Europe (background information)

The Council will also assess progress on the proposal for a European travel and information authorisation system, which aims to collect information from visa-exempt travellers prior to their trip to the EU.

In addition, the Council will review the situation on migration and the return policy. Ministers will take stock of the work on the proposals to reform the common European asylum system.

Finding solutions to migratory pressures (background information)

Meeting information

Meeting n°3546




Preparatory documents

Indicative programme - Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting of 8 and 9 June 2017

Provisional agenda, Justice and Home Affairs Council, 8-9 June 2017

List of A items, legislative deliberation, Justice and Home Affairs Council, 8-9 June 2017

List of A items, non-legislative activities, Justice and Home Affairs Council, 8-9 June 2017

Addendum 1 to list of A items, non-legislative activities, Justice and Home Affairs Council, 8-9 June 2017

Background brief

Outcome documents

Outcome of the Council meeting

List of participants 08.06.2017

Press releases

EU defence cooperation: Council establishes a Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC)

08/06/2017, 13:25

More effective rules to counter money laundering - Council agrees on its position

08/06/2017, 13:20

New rules for contracts for the supply of digital content - Council adopts its position

08/06/2017, 12:00

20 member states agree on details on creating the European Public Prosecutor's office (EPPO)

08/06/2017, 11:30

Portability of digital services across the EU: Council adopts new rules

08/06/2017, 10:45

Press information

6 June 2017

Press briefing


Main press room - Justus Lipsius building - by Ambassador Marlene Bonnici

8 June 2017

Press opportunity

European convention center Luxembourg


Arrivals (Justice)

Live streaming


Doorstep by Ambassador Marlene Bonnici


Roundtable (Justice)


Arrivals (Home affairs)


Joint roundtable (Justice and Home affairs)

Press conference


European convention center Luxembourg - Press room

Watch the press conference

9 June 2017

Press opportunity

European Convention Centre Luxembourg


Arrivals (Home affairs)

Live streaming


Doorstep by Ambassador Marlene Bonnici


Roundtable (Mixed committee)

Press conference


European Convention Centre Luxembourg - Press room

Watch the press conference

Press contacts

Veronica Huertas Cerdeira

Press officer (Home affairs; Counter-terrorism coordination)

+32 22814548

+32 470882199

Romain Sadet

Press officer (Justice; Corporate communications)

+32 22818914

+32 473865437

If you are not a journalist, please send your request to the public information service.


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