Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, 08-09/06/2017 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 juni 2017, 1:15.

Transport issues



Highlights from the Transport Council taking place on 8 June 2017, in Luxembourg

Live streaming

8 June 2017

10:15 Public session

15:17 Public session

17:05 Public session

17:45 Press conference

9 June 2017

09:30 Public session

13:00 Press conference

Estimated schedule

The Council i agreed on a general approach on updated rules for the training and qualifications of professional lorry and bus drivers. The update puts greater emphasis on safety in the training and will improve recognition of qualifications obtained in another EU country.

Training for lorry and bus drivers to focus more on safety - Council agrees its position

The Council adopted two sets of conclusions: on the priorities for the EU's maritime transport policy up to 2020 and on road safety. The maritime conclusions identify competitiveness, decarbonisation and digitalisation as guiding principles for EU policy in this area. The road safety conclusions set a target of halving the number of serious injuries on roads in the EU by 2030 from the 2020 baseline. Both sets of conclusions endorse declarations adopted at informal ministerial meetings organised by the presidency in Valletta in March 2017.

Council conclusions on "Priorities for the EU's maritime transport policy until 2020: Competitiveness, Decarbonisation, Digitalisation to ensure global connectivity, an efficient internal market and a world-class maritime cluster"

Council conclusions on road safety, 8 June 2017

"Today we discussed a large number of initiatives to make transport safer, greener and fairer. The two sets of Council conclusions will guide our maritime policy in the years to come and encourage us to redouble our efforts to improve road safety."

Maltese presidency

Ministers expressed their initial views on the mobility package unveiled by the Commission i on 31 May. "While member states are still analysing these recent proposals, they generally welcomed the Commission's efforts to clarify the existing rules and step up enforcement," said the Maltese presidency. "However, some key parts of the package will need detailed assessment in respect of their social, economic and in some cases also environmental impact."

The information items also included, among other topics, aviation security, in particular electronic items in cabin luggage, and a presentation by the Commission of its 'Open and Connected Europe' initiative, which was published today.

As regards professional qualifications in inland waterways, the presidency highlighted the importance of transport on the inland waterways as an efficient way to alleviate congestion on the European roads and to reduce emissions in the transport sector. The presidency remains committed to finalising the negotiations with the European Parliament i on this file.

Over lunch, ministers discussed work on enabling the International Maritime Organisation to adopt an ambitious initial strategy in 2018 for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships as agreed in October 2016.

Agenda highlights

Telecommunications - 9 June

Cross-border parcel delivery

The Council is expected to adopt a general approach on a draft regulation to increase regulatory oversight and price transparency for cross-border parcel delivery services. The proposal aims to bring down prices and improve competition on the market.

EU telecoms rules

Ministers will have a policy debate on the revision of the EU telecoms rules. The objective is to improve fixed and mobile connectivity for everyone in Europe, and to promote investments, competition and innovation while also protecting consumers.


The Council will look at the progress made on proposed new rules to ensure respect for private life and the protection of personal data in electronic communications (ePrivacy).

Meeting information

Meeting n°3545



Preparatory documents

Background brief - Transport issues

Background brief - Telecommunications issues

Provisional agenda, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, 8-9 June 2017

List of A items, non-legislative activities, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, 8-9 June 2017

Outcome documents

Outcome of the Council meeting

Press releases

EU's maritime transport policy up to 2020

08/06/2017, 11:50

EU sets new target of halving the number of people seriously injured on our roads

08/06/2017, 11:40

Training for lorry and bus drivers to focus more on safety - Council agrees its position

08/06/2017, 10:30

Press information

6 June 2017

Press briefing


Main press room - Justus Lipsius building - by Ambassador Neil Kerr - This briefing is "off the record"

8 June 2017

Press opportunity


Arrivals - VIP entrance - European Convention Centre, Luxembourg


Presidency doorstep - VIP entrance - European Convention Centre, Luxembourg



Press conference


Press room - European Convention Centre, Luxembourg

Watch the press conference

9 June 2017

Press opportunity


Arrivals - VIP entrance - European Convention Centre, Luxembourg


Presidency doorstep - VIP entrance - European Convention Centre, Luxembourg



Press conference


Press room - European Convention Centre, Luxembourg

Watch the press conference

Press contacts

Päivikki Ala-Honkola

Press officer

+32 22818648

+32 479955086

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